Fall Leaf Sun Catcher


You’re going to like this one, because it is EA-SY!

I also like it because it is easy and short, and I don’t actually love making tutorials. Good thing I started this blog.

You buy clear Con-Tact paper (affiliate)(side note: totally thought it was “contact paper” like in the whole “I want a coke. What kind of coke? A Pepsi.” situation. Or like how all tissues are a Kleenex.), grab some pretty leaves and that’s basically it.

So let’s get started!

The leaf hunt is pretty fun. I sent my kids out in the back yard and told them to find the most colorful and interesting leaves they could. We live in TN and there are lots of different colors in our backyard. If you live in TX (like we did a few years ago) your sun catcher might be brown. Don’t sweat it–your kids like you and this means hanging out with you and that’s awesome. :)


Once you’ve got some leaves you like clear off a large space on your counter or table.

I recommend cutting two pieces of contact paper to your preferred equal size. We made HUGE ones and smaller ones. The smaller ones were much easier to handle. I’d recommend doing smaller ones and then taping them to your window side-by-side. Otherwise, you might get tangled up and end up wearing your sun catcher.

Also the two smaller pieces was an easier method than one long sheet folded over. Lesson learned.


Next, peel off the Con-Tact paper backing and place your leaves onto the sticky surface. This is not an activity where you can rearrange. Stuck, is stuck, is stuck, in this project.

After your kiddos have filled their paper with leaves, peel the second sheet and place carefully on top of the first. Starting at one side cut down on air bubbles, but we never got one absolutely perfect.

We then trimmed in overlapped edges and hung in sunny spots! Voila!


I hope you enjoyed this super easy “tutorial”. While the sun catchers can look a little dull on your table, when held up to the light they are really quite beautiful. Bubbles, fingerprints, half of my sweater’s worth of fuzz, and all.

If you’re looking for another fun leaf activity check out my Fall Leaves Montessori Inspired 3 Part Cards or for even more—my Fall Activity Bundle.

Happy Fall everyone!

Come back and visit soon!


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